
Steve Shepherd

Whilst creating within design roles for over 17 years I have been exposed to a wide variety of elements for design, creativity, planning and technology. This has included digital media, print design, marketing, exhibitions, advertising and traditional skills to complete how I implement my creativity in projects today. I like to keep my design simple and clean for a creation that can be responsive across all media with consistent and precise rules to represent awareness of a brand that is not just recognisable but irresistible and loved
Steve Shepherd has written 10 posts for Creative Stream

Creative design with WordPress is brilliant!

I thought I would write this blog just to say how much creating websites has advanced and how platforms like WordPress and all of the other free source content management solutions make it so helpful to create really enticing and interactive websites. Now I started looking at webdesign back in the days of “Supanet” and … Continue reading

QR code scenarios to think about

So QR codes still seem to be a hot topic, so I have had a think and come up with some new scenarios to how you can use these little pixel superstars. Scenario 1 – Retail the closed shop So you are browsing around a town which you are visiting for the day and see … Continue reading

Why do you keep destroying my identity!

So do you ever think you are banging your head against a brick wall when it comes to other people using logos or imagery relating to your company or organisation. There is always someone out there who thinks the words…”That will do” when trying to fit a logo in to a space or stretch it … Continue reading

Creating App’s with

Last night I came across a link to from an old friend and I decided to give it a go just to see if I create an app for my company or even for the local Sea Cadets. At first look the site looked like any other site which offers the world and … Continue reading

Re-Branding an Expensive Project, or Maybe Not…

Whilst working for Edge Signs yesterday one of guys there mentioned that on occasions when customers come in to have graphics and signage produced for the first time they tend to think a re-design of their current brand is very expensive. Now in some instances this can be true, for example if you have a fleet of vehicles … Continue reading

Google+ ,Is it Secure? & Who am I Sharing my Stuff With?

After playing about a bit I had a few questions asked about Google+ which hopefully I can add some answers and information to. Is it secure? As far as I have seen throughout my play around with the platform there doesn’t seem to be any privacy issues with Google+, though obviously I have only been … Continue reading

Google+ ,Who’s having a play then?

So today I had a friend who very kindly invited me to Google+ and most of this afternoon has been spent playing around with the interface and seeing what it can do. Right to start with we have some new features to play with that are a little different from the Facebook norm, These are … Continue reading

QR Codes, what are they all about?

Some of you may have heard about or seen QR Codes, or in simple English Quick Response Codes. These things are what they call 2 dimensional bar codes and store information. These strange little boxes of 1980’s Atari style pixels can store your information and are an excellent tool to bridge that gap between the physical world and the … Continue reading

New website design scrolls horizontally

Well here it is … The latest update to my website… horizontal scrolling… So here it is my new website which looks a lot like my old site but with a subtle difference, It is all on one page and scrolls horizontally to the page you require. This is not the only innovation on my site as I now … Continue reading

Welcome to my Blog!

This is where I will ponder and rattle on about all of my adventures in design, I may even share some of my personal goings on as a volunteer in the local Sea Cadets. So to start with I have just updated my company website to make it easier to navigate and present a clear idea … Continue reading



July 2024